Ladies, it's important to know this 8 alarming things that can happen when you stop using makeup

By Abdulrosaq Olawale   3 years ago   294

Ladies, its important you know these 8 alarming things that can happen when you stop wearing make up


Nov 12, 2020 4:05 AM

Alot of we women indulge in makeup to make us feel courageous. But as a result, deception runs our brain as a puppy and has certain benefits, even for the health of our minds, if we stop using it.

   I decided to look at the other side of the coin. I will show you how not using makeup can really improve your personality.

   1. Your brain no longer thinks you are a stranger if you don't have a make up on.




   Research conducted by Kanebo Cosmetics in collaboration with researchers reveals that just before a woman wears makeup, she feels like she's writing in another person's face.

   But once she got her makeup on, she felt like her newly created face was hers. It suggests that a woman with makeup sees her artificial face as a representation of her true self in her relationship with other people.

   2. Your skin may be more resistant to sun damage.




   Some makeup products contain ingredients that can dry out and scratch the skin's surface. For example, it is recommended to take retinol at night to avoid any risk of sunburn. 

Another is hydroquinone, which is found in facial serums used to enhance skin tone. This makes the skin more vulnerable to harmful UV rays. If you don't have shoes on your feet, only buy a good skincare product with SPF protection.

   3. Look younger effortlessly.




   If you don't have makeup, you may be asked to confirm your age with a police officer, or you may remember as a teenager since you started wearing makeup you look more than your age compared to your friends. One study says makeup makes older women look younger, but younger women look older when their faces are covered.

 After all, people tend to associate makeup with maturity, so when we do our makeup, some people subconsciously think we are older than your real age.

4. You are not afraid to behave naturally and you do not have to worry about breaking your makeup.




   When it is hot outside or when you are just active in the sun, sweating is always heavy. When your face is completely covered in makeup, it becomes a real challenge to keep everything in place all day long. But on a bare face, natural movements, such as wiping the sweat from the eyebrows, are no longer a challenge and move naturally in every way.

   5. People are more interested in who you are and not what you wear on your face.




   While polled on the internet, some women revealed that they treat other people differently when they wear makeup than when they don't. They say that some people always think they are prostitutes, and are so shocked by their true personality. So if you find that your makeup makes you look different, a bare face can help you stop these judgments about your appearance.

   6. Your natural appearance makes you the friendliest in the eyes of others.




   Nancy Etcoff, assistant professor of clinical studies at Harvard Medical School, says that a face without makeup is more reliable to other people than a face with a dramatic cosmetic mask. So in order to gain trust and have a good relationship with other people, it becomes more of an enemy than a friend.

   7. You get a permanent boost in self-confidence.




   Psychologists say makeup isn't a magic pill that improves our self-confidence. We feel really good not because of makeup, but because we know for sure that we are cool in the eyes of others. Obviously, everything is done in secret and with lipstick to make us feel more confident, but the effects don't last forever.

   8. It will be quick and inexpensive to keep the skin in good condition.




   No matter how cheap or expensive it is, makeup will block your cavities. And if your pores are clogged, you may need various treatments for your skin, including a visit to dermatologists. 

If your makeup is small, your skin doesn't need many treatments, and in most cases, you don't need more water and facial cleansing. So the benefits of not wearing too much makeup will not only apply to your skin, but will also soothe your wallet as you are not looking for more unacceptable products.

 Have you noticed changes in your communication with other people when you are not wearing or using makeup?, let us know your opinion about this in the comment section below. Don't forget to like and share to educate others. Thank you.

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Ladies It's Important To Know This 8 Alarming Things That Can Happen When You Stop Using Makeup

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Ladies, it's important to know this 8 alarming things

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Onah Emmanuel
3 years ago

Some are so important

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Nice one

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Una no get hand work ooooo

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3 years ago

It so important alot sha

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what's the alarms things???

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Patience Lme
3 years ago

Good news nice

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