Do Americans realize that only 50 Supreme Court justices actually had law degrees

By Akam Mmasichukwu Talent   1 year ago   120

Do Americans realize that only 50 Supreme Court Justices actually had law degree?

I suspect few Americans realize that:


Only 27 of our 116 Supreme Court justices were born in the twentieth century; and

Legal education prior to the year 1920 rarely consisted of attending “law school” as that term is currently understood.

Every SCOTUS justice who was born during the twentieth century had a law degree.


Let’s rephrase your question so that it doesn’t convey a misleading impression.


“Do Americans realize that every Supreme Court justice who studied the law during an era when it was customary for lawyers to attend law school had a law degree, and 23 of the 89 SCOTUS justices who studied the law during an era when it was not customary for lawyers to attend law school also had law degrees?”


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