Soak 6 pieces of date in a glass of milk overnight, drink daily to get this health benefit.

By Anibe Noah   3 years ago   353

Some of you may wonder what people who lives around you do that makes them look glowing and healthy. Don't panic much, its just a little secret that not every one that knows about it. But today have come to the right that will reveal the secret behind every nourishment and healthy living.




Soak dates in a glass of milk overnight, drink daily to get these health benefits.

Most time people do ignore things that are very important to their health due to ignorance, most especially fruits like dates are rich in protein, when its combined with milk, this function in a very vital way in our body such that it would give extra protein content. Dates are good source of vitamin A, C and E, magnessium, Beta- glucan which is a source of soluble fiber that helps to cure constipation.



While making this juice, here are the necessary Ingredients needed

1. You will have to obtain A glass of liquid milk

2. And you provide 5-6 dates

* procedure on how to prepare the mixture.




1)De-seed the dates if they are seeded and chop them into tiny pieces.

2)Now add the chopped dates into the blender jar along with the pear.

3)Give a quick whip and let the dates combine well.

4)Add the milk little by little and keep whipping it continuously.

5)Drink fresh the next morning or you could warm before drinking.

* here are the necessary Health benefits of this mixture.

1. It Improves brain health makes you become more sensensitive

2. Promotes weight gain without you getting fat.

3. Relief from joint pain.

4. Boosts sexual health most especially to men.

5. Boosts muscle strength and flexible joint.

6. Restores energy.

8. Improves glowing and nourishing skin.

9. Protection from seasonal allergies and infections.



As for the date, you could obtain it from those Hausa people who sells tiger nut and coconut, they call it Dabino in Hausa language, just N100 date will be enough for a week

This drink is healthy for all age groups, both young and elderly people can take this drink. Most especially men it helps in your sexual life by lasting longer.

Please you have to know that Your health is your wealth! Make sure your health becomes your first priority in life.

In case of any question, please drop your question below in the comment box as we interact together.

please don't forget to like, share and follow me for more health article.

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I'm gonna try this asap. thanks alot.



Sir the aboki in my area date is cost, what should i do now



What kind of milk? liquid or powder?



Like how many times, what's the does


6 Pieces Overnight

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Solomon Nhen
3 years ago

Wow I would love to try it out

(Quote) (Likes)
3 years ago


I will try it one day
(Quote) (Likes)
Lauwali Isa
3 years ago

I will surely will

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Mbam Fidelis
3 years ago

Good and educating

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Ade Seun
3 years ago


I found smooth secret today
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Ifekam Emmanuel
3 years ago


For the information

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I will try it

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